91الَّذينَ جَعَلُوا القُرآنَ عِضينَMuhammad Asad[and] who [now] declare this Qur'an to be [a tissue of] falsehoods!1This, according to the Taj al-'Arus (art. 'adiha and 'adawa) is the meaning of 'idin in the above context: an interpretation also advanced by Tabari and Razi (in the last paragraph of the latter's commentary on this verse). Another interpretation - equally acceptable from the purely linguistic point of view - is "[those] who cut up the Qur'an into separate parts": i.e., accept (on the analogy of the Jews and the Christians) some of it as true and regard the rest as Muhammad's invention. But since - as Tabari points out - those who refuse to believe in the divine origin of the Qur'an do not accept any of it as true, the first interpretation is by far the preferable.