80قالَ لَو أَنَّ لي بِكُم قُوَّةً أَو آوي إِلىٰ رُكنٍ شَديدٍMuhammad AsadExclaimed [Lot]: "Would that I had the strength to defeat you, or that I could lean upon some mightier support!"1Lit., "or that I could betake myself to some mighty support". Although some of the commentators are of the opinion that this expression denotes "tribal support" (which was, however, unavailable to Lot inasmuch as he was a stranger in Sodom), we have a number of authentic Traditions (extensively quoted by Tabari) to the effect that what Lot meant was God's support: for the Prophet Muhammad, referring to this Qur'anic passage, is reported to have said, "God bestowed His grace upon Lot, for he betook himself indeed unto a mighty support!"