7إِنَّ الَّذينَ آمَنوا وَعَمِلُوا الصّالِحاتِ أُولٰئِكَ هُم خَيرُ البَرِيَّةِMir Ahmed AliVerily,1 those who believe and do good deeds, it is they who are the best of creatures. Ibne Abbas says by the term 'Khairal Bariyya' is meant Ali-ibne-Abi-Taleb and the Holy Ahlul-Bait. Hafiz Abu-Nayeem Isphahani in his book Holyatul-Aulia reports on the authority of Ibne-Abbas that the Holy Prophet said “O’ Ali, Thou and thy Shias (devotees) will be in the heaven.” (MS.)It is narrated by Haskani in his work ‘Thawahidut Tanzeel’—from Yazeed ibne Sharaheel-e-Ansari—Ali Askarani—from Ali—that the Holy Prophet told him at the time of his departure when, his head was lying on my breast quoting this verse and said: “’Khairul-Bariyya’ are thy Shias (followers) and the place for me to meet them is the ‘Houz’ the Cistern (of Kauthar) when the people will be gathered for accounting—and thy followers will be called ‘Ghorral-Mohajjaleen’”—and Haskani narrates from ‘Maqatil-ibne Suleman’, one of the well-known earliest commentators on Qur’an from ibne Abbas that ‘Khairal-Bariyya’ was revealed for Ali and those of his family. (A.P.)