2رَسولٌ مِنَ اللَّهِ يَتلو صُحُفًا مُطَهَّرَةًAli UnalA Messenger from God,1 reciting and conveying (to them teachings absolutely free from any falsehood) from purified pages (which only those cleansed of material and spiritual impurities may touch),2God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, is one of the two greatest and clearest proofs for the truth of Islam, the other being the Qur’ān. His absolute truthfulness and trustworthiness; his pure personality distinguished by the most noble and praiseworthy virtues; his conquest of minds and hearts despite his being unlettered; his formation of a community called al-Ashāb (the Companions), composed of the most virtuous people in history after the Prophets; his foundation of a state from tribes that had been trapped in unending feuds; his changing the path of human history in so short a time as 23 years; his sermons, sayings, prayers, and the criteria he established for the best individual and collective life; his being loved by his Companions and all the succeeding generations of his community to the extent that they have willingly sacrificed themselves for his way; his laying the foundations of the most magnificent civilization in history, which raised numerous scholars, scientists, saints, statesmen, commanders, and literary people; his predictions, none of which have been contradicted over time – all these and many other aspects of his life, person, achievements, and mission decisively show that God’s Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad,upon him be peace and blessings, is one of two greatest and most comprehensive proofs for both himself, his own Messengership, and the Message he brought from God.The purity of the pages on which the Qur’ān is written comes from the purity of the Qur’ān. So the Qur’ān can only be touched by those purified from material and spiritual impurities. That is, unbelievers, polytheists, and believers in need of ritual purity, cannot touch it. Also see sūrah 56: 79, note 16.