This Sūra was probably an early Medīna Sūra, or possibly a late Meccan Sūra.
In subject-matter it carries forward the argument of the last Sūra. The mystic night of revelation is indeed blessed; but those who reject Truth are impervious to God’s Message, however clear may be the evidence in support of it.
C. 278 | [98:1-8] But those who reject the light of Truth are obstinate. Why should they persist in evil ways when the Clear Evidence has come before them? The straight Religion is simple: to adore with a pure heart the God of Truth, to draw nigh to Him in Prayer sincere, and to serve our fellow creatures in charity and love. To do aught else is to fall from Grace. But Faith and Good Life lead straight to the Goal,—the beauteous Garden of Bliss Eternal, and the mutual good pleasure of the Soul in her Lord.
Those who reject (Truth), among the People of the Book1 and among the Polytheists,2 were not going to depart (from their ways) until there should come to them Clear Evidence,—3