8 verses • revealed at Meccan
»The surah that opens with the oath of the Divine One swearing by The Fig and the olive, and other signs, representing the Holy Land in which God revealed the Evangel, the Torah, and the Quran, and thereby guided all mankind. It is named after “the fig” (al-tīn) mentioned in verse 1. The surah questions how man can deny the Judgement, and emphasizing the importance of faith and good deeds.«
The surah is also known as The Figtree
بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
مکارم شیرازی: به نام خداوند بخشنده بخشایشگر
قسم به انجیر و زیتون [یا: قسم به سرزمین شام و بیت المقدّس]،