7فَإِذا فَرَغتَ فَانصَبMir Ahmed AliAnd1 when thou hast finished (thy duties of the ministry)I, then thou establishII it!This refers to the instruction to the Holy Prophet—to fix up the one already notified by him at the Dawate-Asheera, (i.e., Ali-ibne-Ahi-Taleb). See note on verse 2 above and 5:67, in his place. By the time and wording of the verse 5:67 it gets evident that it was the instruction through this verse, i.e., about appointing Ali as his successor that the Holy Prophet was waiting to execute. The verse 5:67 clearly states “Convey that which has already been sent down to thee”, i.e., appointment of Ali the instructions for which had already been received. The concluding words and the tone of the same verse 5:67 show that the matter was of vital importance to the faith and no further delay in executing the will of the Lord was desirable even under the apprehension of any mischief; for God, in the same verse 5:67 promises to save the Holy Prophet from mischief. The matter was so important and essential to, be enacted that at its enactment was declared the completion or the perfection of Islam as the religion and the perfection of God’s bounties see 5:3—See note in 5:67 which gives the details about the revelation of the verse when the Holy Prophet was at Ghadeer-e-Khum along with the huge number of the pilgrims, on his return from Mecca after performing the last Haj of his life on earth. This verse is a clear instruction to the Holy Prophet, i.e., to say, when he has completed the work of his ministry, to appoint Ali in his place as the Commander or the Master of the Faithful.This is the most appropriate literal translation of this verse but the other commentators have given various interpretations, none is appropriate with the context of these two chapters. The Holy Prophet has been burdened with the task of 'conveying the Last Word of the Lord or the Last Divine Message to mankind. Here in this early Meccan chapter the Holy Prophet is commanded to prepare himself for another task more vital than the mere preaching, i.e., the establishment, and the perpetuation of the chain of the words of God (28:51), the last link of which he was entrusted with—by nominating the person who would succeed him as a guardian and the exponent of all that he had preached. It was the same duty which the Holy Prophet was commanded to execute. In the last Chapter revealed to him, in the closing days of his ministry 5:3, 67, after the execution of which, verse 5:3 was revealed, after finishing all the tasks referred to in verses 5 and 6, the Holy Prophet has been commanded to return unto the Lord. One should realise how this small chapter of the early Meccan period deals with the most important stages and the different functions which the Holy Prophet had to undergo and to performing of which, is in complete conformity with the Last Madanite Chapter of the Qur’an. (A.P.)While concluding the tast of the apostleship establish or perpetuate the guidance to mankind by appointing the successor ‘Imam’ (guide) and the Maula (guardian) of the people in thy place—which the Holy Prophet did at Ghadeer-e-Khum—Rnv. 5:3, 67Rv. 28:51