98 Preface وَمِنَ الأَعرابِ مَن يَتَّخِذُ ما يُنفِقُ مَغرَمًا وَيَتَرَبَّصُ بِكُمُ الدَّوائِرَ ۚ عَلَيهِم دائِرَةُ السَّوءِ ۗ وَاللَّهُ سَميعٌ عَليمٌYusuf AliSome of the desert Arabs look upon their payments1 as a fine, and watch for disasters for you: on them be the disaster of evil: for God is He That heareth and knoweth (all things).The payments refer to the regular Charity established by Islam?the obligatory alms. If you look upon them as a fine or a burden, their virtue is lost. If you rejoice that you have there an opportunity of helping the Community to maintain its standards of public assistance and to suppress the unseemly beggary and loathsome importunity whose relief is only governed by motives of getting rid of awkward obstacles on the way, then your outlook is entirely different. You wish for organised and effective efforts to solve the problems of human poverty and misery. In doing so, you get nearer to God, and you earn the good wishes and prayers of godly men, led by our Holy Leader, al Muṣṭafā.