68وَعَدَ اللَّهُ المُنافِقينَ وَالمُنافِقاتِ وَالكُفّارَ نارَ جَهَنَّمَ خالِدينَ فيها ۚ هِيَ حَسبُهُم ۚ وَلَعَنَهُمُ اللَّهُ ۖ وَلَهُم عَذابٌ مُقيمٌE. H. PalmerGod has promised unto the hypocrites, men and women, and unto the misbelievers, hell-fire, to dwell therein for aye; it is enough for them! God shall curse them, and theirs shall be enduring woe.