53 Preface قُل أَنفِقوا طَوعًا أَو كَرهًا لَن يُتَقَبَّلَ مِنكُم ۖ إِنَّكُم كُنتُم قَومًا فاسِقينَYusuf AliSay: “Spend (for the cause) willingly or unwillingly:1 not from you will it be accepted: for ye are indeed a people rebellious and wicked.”The Hypocrites, who secretly plotted against Islam, might sometimes (and they did) make a show of making some contribution to the Cause in order to keep up their pretence. Their contributions were not acceptable, whether they seemed to give willingly or unwillingly, because rebellion and disobedience were in their hearts. Three reasons are specifically given for their rejection, in the next verse: (1) they did not believe; (2) their prayers were not earnest, but for mere show; and (3) in reality their hearts were not behind the contributions which they offered. Nothing is acceptable to God which does not proceed from a pure and sincere heart.