16أَم حَسِبتُم أَن تُترَكوا وَلَمّا يَعلَمِ اللَّهُ الَّذينَ جاهَدوا مِنكُم وَلَم يَتَّخِذوا مِن دونِ اللَّهِ وَلا رَسولِهِ وَلَا المُؤمِنينَ وَليجَةً ۚ وَاللَّهُ خَبيرٌ بِما تَعمَلونَTalal ItaniOr do you think that you will be left alone, without God identifying which of you will strive, and take no supporters apart from God, His Messenger, and the believers? God is well Aware of what you do.