112التّائِبونَ العابِدونَ الحامِدونَ السّائِحونَ الرّاكِعونَ السّاجِدونَ الآمِرونَ بِالمَعروفِ وَالنّاهونَ عَنِ المُنكَرِ وَالحافِظونَ لِحُدودِ اللَّهِ ۗ وَبَشِّرِ المُؤمِنينَFaridul HaqueThose who repent, those who worship, those who praise, those who fast, those who bow, those who prostrate, those who show right and forbid wrong and those who keep the limits of Allah in sight; and give glad tidings to the Muslims.