105وَقُلِ اعمَلوا فَسَيَرَى اللَّهُ عَمَلَكُم وَرَسولُهُ وَالمُؤمِنونَ ۖ وَسَتُرَدّونَ إِلىٰ عالِمِ الغَيبِ وَالشَّهادَةِ فَيُنَبِّئُكُم بِما كُنتُم تَعمَلونَShabbir AhmedSay, "Act! (Prove your word with action). Allah will behold your actions, and so will His Messenger, and the believers. Ultimately you will be returned to the Knower of the Invisible and the Visible. He will show you a replay of all you used to do."