This is a late Sura of the early Meccan period, perhaps close in date to S. 52. Its subject matter is the contrast between the destinies of the Good and the Evil in the Hereafter,—on the Day when the true balance will be restored: the Signs of God even in this life should remind us of the Day of Account, for God is good and just, and His creation is for a just Purpose.
[88:1-26] Have you heard of that Tremendous Day when the Good from the Evil will be separated?
There will be Souls that Day will burn and grovel in the blazing Fire of Wrath! No Food can fill their Hunger; no Drink, alas, can slake their fierce Thirst!
There will be Souls that Day will shout with Joy to the glory of their Lord! Their past Endeavor will now be Achievement. Raised high on Thrones of Dignity they will be Guests at the sumptuous Feast of Bliss.
Let man but look at his dominion o’er the beasts of the field, or his glorious Canopy of stars, or the Eternal Hills that feed his streams, or the wide expanse of Mother Earth that nurtures him, and he will see the ordered Plan of God. To Him must he return and give account! Let him, then, learn his Lesson and live!
Has the story reached thee, of the overwhelming (Event)?1