This Sūra also belongs to the early Meccan period, perhaps not far removed from the last Sūra.
Its subject-matter is the protection afforded to every soul in the darkest period of its spiritual history. The physical nature of man may be insignificant, but the soul given to him by God must win a glorious Future in the end.
[86:1-17] Through the darkest night comes the penetrating light of a glorious Star. Such is the power of Revelation: it protects and guides the erring. For what is man but a creature of flesh and bones! But God by His Power doth raise man’s state to a Life Beyond!—when lo! all things hidden will be made plain. Man’s help will then be but the Word of God, which none can thwart. So wait with gentle patience—for His Decision.
By the Sky1 and the Night-Visitant2 (therein);—