This is quite an early Meccan Sūra, perhaps the sixth or seventh in chronological order. It opens with a series of highly mystical metaphors suggesting the break-up of the world as we know it (verses 1-13) and the enforcement of complete personal responsibility for each soul (verse 14). Then there is a mystical passage showing how the Quranic Revelation was true, and revealed through the angel Gabriel, and not merely a rhapsody from one possessed. Revelation is given for man’s spiritual guidance (verse 14-29).
Comparable with this Sūra are Sūras 82 and 84 which may be read with this.
[81:1-29] How can the soul’s self-conviction be fitly expressed, except by types of tremendous cataclysms in nature, and still more by tremendous searchings in the heart of man? These want deep pondering. When once the spiritual Dawn has “breathed away” the Darkness of the Night, the Vision Glorious clears all doubt, and brings us face to face with Truth. The highest Archangel in heaven is sent by God to bring these truths to men through their Prophet. God’s Grace flows freely: we have but to tune our Will to His,—the ever-loving Righteous God.
When the sun1 (with its spacious light) is folded up;2