When (on that day) you were on the nearer end (-the side nearer to Madînah of the valley of Badr) and those (of the hostile forces of disbelievers) were at its farther end (- the side which was farther from Madînah) and the caravan (of the Quraish from Syria) was on a level lower than yours (- towards the sea-coast). And had you made a mutual appointment beforehand (as to when and where to meet the foe) you would have differed with regard to the place and time of the appointment, (but the encounter did take place), that Allâh brought about that which was already decreed (by Him), so that he who had (already spiritually) perished on the altar of reason might perish (physically also), and he who has (already spiritually) come to life through a clear sign might live (physically also). Most surely, Allâh is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.