When you were on the nearer bank of the valley (the Madina side) and they (the disbelievers) on the farther bank (the other side) and (the mercantile) caravan was below you; and had you made some mutual appointment (to fight), you would certainly have reached there (at the timings) different from (your) appointment. (But Allah brought you face to face at the same time without any appointment.) This took place in order that Allah might lead that matter to completion which was destined to happen, so that he who had to die might die (with a manifest) evidence to that effect, and he who had to survive might continue to live (with a manifest) evidence to that effect (i.e. the evidence be established for all on the Truthfulness of Islam and the Holy Messenger [blessings and peace be upon him]). Allah is surely All-Hearing, All-Knowing.