3الَّذي هُم فيهِ مُختَلِفونَAli UnalAbout which they are in disagreement.1The disagreement of the unbelievers about the Resurrection was not about whether they denied it or not, but about their approach to the denial of it. Some of them had irreconcilable doubts about it (27: 66); some deemed it as inconceivable (23: 36); and some obstinately rejected whatever of the truth and essentials of faith they were told (67: 21). So the initial verses tell us that, when God’s Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, conveyed to the people of Makkah some truths about the Day of Resurrection and warned them, those who were denying the truths inquired of one another in an attempt to find some argument to back up their denials; and with this interest in mind, they sometimes came to the Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, or the believers – and sometimes went to the Jews or Christians around them – and asked them questions. They then proceeded to discuss how they should react against these truths and offered different views.