30انطَلِقوا إِلىٰ ظِلٍّ ذي ثَلاثِ شُعَبٍAli Unal“Move towards the shadow (of black smoke ascending), in three columns.1It is worth attention that the smoke of Hellfire will ascend in three columns. This becomes more meaningful when we consider that the Qur’ān uses light in singular and darkness in plural as depths or veils of darkness (in Arabic, the smallest number of the plural form is three). This may be an indication to the fact that in history, the association of partners with God and systems of oppression have usually been based on three “columns.” While describing the deeds of unbelievers, the Qur’ān says, that their deeds are like veils of darkness covering up an abysmal sea down into its depths, covered up by a billow, above which is a billow, above which is a cloud: veils of darkness piled one upon another so that when he stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it (24: 40). It may also allude to the result of misuse of the three cardinal faculties given to humans – namely intellect, anger, and lust; or to the three powers upon which a government is based – namely execution, judgment, and legislation;or, from another perspective, power, capital, and knowledge or education; or, power, justice, and law (see 57: 25, note 15). For example, the Qur’ān says that the Prophet Moses, upon him be peace, was sent to the Pharaoh, Qorah and Hāmān (29: 39; 40: 24). This must be one of the reasons for, as an instance of wisdom, the fact that during the Hajj, the pilgrims throw stones at three “devils” arranged in columns (the major, the middle, and the minor).