"If we should favour your system of faith and worship", said Shu'aib, "then we will have viciously and wrongfully related to Allah falsehood and denied His revelations and signs betokening Omnipotence and Authority". "And how could we turn renegade after we have been graced by Allah Who has delivered us from such an evil system of faith bringing nothing but harm here and Hereafter!" "This shall never happen", he added, "unless it be Allah's will that we be destined to lose our senses and be harmed by courage". "Allah's knowledge encompasses the wide circle of the whole and of all in all and Omniscience is asserted as His own.". " In Allah, our Creator, do we trust and to Him do we and our people plead our causes and He shall justly decide them". "O Allah, our Creator", he prayed, " You are the best and the most competent of all judges Who decide a case as put by opponent parties".