88 Preface ۞ قالَ المَلَأُ الَّذينَ استَكبَروا مِن قَومِهِ لَنُخرِجَنَّكَ يا شُعَيبُ وَالَّذينَ آمَنوا مَعَكَ مِن قَريَتِنا أَو لَتَعودُنَّ في مِلَّتِنا ۚ قالَ أَوَلَو كُنّا كارِهينَAhmed AliThe arrogant leaders of the people replied: “We shall drive you away from our land, O Shu‘aib, and those who are with you, unless you come back to your faith.” But he remarked: “Even if we are disgusted with it?