We will delete all that was embedded of bitter ill -feeling from their bosoms and blot out all that lurked in their memories of grudge and hatred so as to make the clouds of the past dissolve in the glorious light .They shall jointly rejoice beyond a common joy, and in the ecstasy of their joy they shall enjoy the blissful rivers flowing beneath them and interpret their feeling of gratitude in words, thus: " Praise be to Allah and exalted are His glorious attributes: He guided us to His path of righteousness, and without His guidance we would have missed it and we would have been alienated from His purpose" ."Indeed His Messengers have brought us illumination and enlightenment and brought the truth which dawned upon us and upon those who, had worshipped stocks and stones earlier". There and then they shall be told: "This is Paradise of which you have come into possession by right and divine grant".