20فَوَسوَسَ لَهُمَا الشَّيطانُ لِيُبدِيَ لَهُما ما وورِيَ عَنهُما مِن سَوآتِهِما وَقالَ ما نَهاكُما رَبُّكُما عَن هٰذِهِ الشَّجَرَةِ إِلّا أَن تَكونا مَلَكَينِ أَو تَكونا مِنَ الخالِدينَT. B. IrvingSo Satan whispered to them to show them both their private parts which had gone unnoticed by either of them. He said: "Your Lord only forbids you this tree so that you will not become two angels, or lest you both become immortal."