171۞ وَإِذ نَتَقنَا الجَبَلَ فَوقَهُم كَأَنَّهُ ظُلَّةٌ وَظَنّوا أَنَّهُ واقِعٌ بِهِم خُذوا ما آتَيناكُم بِقُوَّةٍ وَاذكُروا ما فيهِ لَعَلَّكُم تَتَّقونَFaridul HaqueAnd when We raised the Mount (Sinai) above them as if it were a canopy, and they thought that it would fall upon them; “Accept firmly what We have given you, and remember what is in it, so that you may become pious.”