When Mussa came to the place set for Our assignation, the hallowed environment spoke Allah's presence proclaimed by sound. And when Allah spoke to Mussa, he expressed his wish, thus: "O Allah, my Creator", he asked, "may I perceive you by sight!". "You shall not be able to see Me", said Allah, "but look at the mountain", if it remains standing in its place, you shall then see Me. And when Allah manifested to the mountain an infinitely short flash of His mercifully invisible glorious light, the mountain was levelled with the ground*. Terribly shocked, Mussa dropped unconscious, and when he recovered from the swoon, he prayed: "Praise be to You O Allah and extolled are Your glorious attributes; in lowliest plight do I stand repentant and I am the first and foremost of those who conform to Your will".