141وَإِذ أَنجَيناكُم مِن آلِ فِرعَونَ يَسومونَكُم سوءَ العَذابِ ۖ يُقَتِّلونَ أَبناءَكُم وَيَستَحيونَ نِساءَكُم ۚ وَفي ذٰلِكُم بَلاءٌ مِن رَبِّكُم عَظيمٌMuhammad AsadAnd [he reminded them of this word of God]: "Lo, We saved you from Pharaoh's people who afflicted you with cruel suffering, slaying your sons in great numbers and sparing [only] your women - which was an awesome trial from your Sustainer."1Cf. 2:49. It appears that this passage is part of Moses' reminder to his people (Manor IX, 115 ff.); I have brought this out by interpolating "he reminded them of this word of God" between brackets.