129 Preface قالوا أوذينا مِن قَبلِ أَن تَأتِيَنا وَمِن بَعدِ ما جِئتَنا ۚ قالَ عَسىٰ رَبُّكُم أَن يُهلِكَ عَدُوَّكُم وَيَستَخلِفَكُم فِي الأَرضِ فَيَنظُرَ كَيفَ تَعمَلونَYusuf AliThey said: “We have had (nothing but) trouble, both before and after thou camest1 to us.” He said: “It may be that your Lord will destroy your enemy and make you inheritors2 in the earth; that so He may try you by your deeds.”There is a slight note of querulousness in the people’s answer. But Moses allays it by his own example and courage, and his vision of the future: which was amply fulfilled in time. See verse 137.The Israelites, despised and enslaved, were to be rescued and made rulers in Palestine. David and Solomon were great kings and played a notable part in history. But the greatness of Israel was conditional; they were to be judged by their deeds. When they fell from grace, other people were given honour and power. And so is came to be the turn of the Arab race, and so on. God gives His gifts to those who are righteous and obey His Law.