129قالوا أوذينا مِن قَبلِ أَن تَأتِيَنا وَمِن بَعدِ ما جِئتَنا ۚ قالَ عَسىٰ رَبُّكُم أَن يُهلِكَ عَدُوَّكُم وَيَستَخلِفَكُم فِي الأَرضِ فَيَنظُرَ كَيفَ تَعمَلونَWahiduddin KhanThey replied, "We were being persecuted before you came to us, and we are still being persecuted." He said, "Your Lord may well destroy your enemy and make you successors to the land. Then He will see how you conduct yourselves."