123قالَ فِرعَونُ آمَنتُم بِهِ قَبلَ أَن آذَنَ لَكُم ۖ إِنَّ هٰذا لَمَكرٌ مَكَرتُموهُ فِي المَدينَةِ لِتُخرِجوا مِنها أَهلَها ۖ فَسَوفَ تَعلَمونَAhmed & SamiraPharaoh said: "You believed with Him, before that I permit for you? That, that (is) cheatery/deceit (E) you schemed/cheated/deceived it in the city/town to bring out from it its people , so you will/shall know."