106 Preface قالَ إِن كُنتَ جِئتَ بِآيَةٍ فَأتِ بِها إِن كُنتَ مِنَ الصّادِقينَYusuf Ali(Pharaoh) said: “If indeed thou hast come with a Sign, show it forth,- if thou tellest the truth.”1The ensuing dialogue shows the psychology on the two sides. Pharaoh is sitting in his court, with his ministers and chiefs around him. In their arrogance they are only amused at the effrontery and apparent revolt of the Israelite leaders, and they rely upon their own superior worldly power, aided by the magic which was a part of the Egyptian religion. Confronting them stand two men, Moses with his mission from God, and his brother Aaron who was his lieutenant. They are confident, not in their own powers, but in the mission they had received. The first thing they have to do is to act on the subjective mind of the Egyptians, and by methods which by God’s miracle show that Egyptian magic was nothing before the true power of God.