51 Preface وَإِنَّهُ لَحَقُّ اليَقينِYusuf AliBut verily it is Truth1 of assured certainty.All Truth is in itself certain. But as received by men, and understood with reference to men’s psychology, certainty may have certain degrees. There is the probability or certainty resulting from the application of man’s power of judgment and his appraisement of evidence. This is Him al yaqīn, certainty by reasoning or inference. Then there is the certainty of seeing something with our own eyes. “Seeing is believing.”This is 'ain al yaqīn, certainty by personal inspection. See 102:5, 7. Then, as here, there is the absolute Truth, with no possibility of error of judgment or error of the eye, (which stands for any instrument of sense-perception and any ancillary aids, such as microscopes, etc.). This absolute Truth is the haqq al yaqīn spoken of here.