52 verses • revealed at Meccan
»The surah that opens by proclaiming one of the names of the Day of Resurrection, The Inevitable reality or hour, so named because in the matter of truth shall forever be decided then and all truth shall prevail regarding every affair. It takes its name from the Inevitable or Besieger (al-Ḥāqqah) mentioned in verse 1. The surah describes punishment in this life (verse 4 ff.) and the next (verse 13 ff.). The bliss to be enjoyed by the believers is eloquently contrasted with the torments of hell (verse 19 ff.). From verse 38 onwards, God affirms the Truth of the Quran and the Prophet.«
The surah is also known as Reality, The Catastrophe, The Concrete Reality, The Indubitable, The Inevitable Hour, The Inevitable Reality, The Sure Occurrence, The Sure Reality, The Undeniable
بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
അബ്ദുല് ഹമീദ് & പറപ്പൂര്: പരമകാരുണികനും കരുണാനിധിയുമായ അല്ലാഹുവിന്റെ നാമത്തില് .
ആ യഥാര്ത്ഥ സംഭവം!