47أَم عِندَهُمُ الغَيبُ فَهُم يَكتُبونَMuhammad AsadOr [do they think] that the hidden reality [of all that exists] is within their grasp, so that [in time] they can write it down?1Sc., "and that, therefore, they need not listen to divine revelation." For the real significance of the term al-ghayb - of which the above is undoubtedly the earliest instance in the chronology of Qur'anic revelation - see surah 2, note 3. Its use in the above context is meant to elucidate and further develop the idea already touched upon in 96:6 - "man becomes grossly overweening whenever he believes himself to be self-sufficient". More particularly, the present passage points to the fallacy of the arrogant belief that the solution of all the mysteries of the universe is "just around the corner" and that man-centred science - epitomized in the reference to its being "written down" - can and will teach its adepts how to "conquer nature" and to attain to what they regard as the good life.