3الَّذي خَلَقَ سَبعَ سَماواتٍ طِباقًا ۖ ما تَرىٰ في خَلقِ الرَّحمٰنِ مِن تَفاوُتٍ ۖ فَارجِعِ البَصَرَ هَل تَرىٰ مِن فُطورٍMuhammad Asad[Hallowed be] He who has created seven heavens in full harmony with one another:1 no fault will thou see in the creation of the Most Gracious. And turn thy vision [upon it] once more: canst thou see any flaw?Or: "conforming [with one another]", this being the primary significance of tibaq (sing. tabaq). For the meaning of the "seven heavens", see surah 2, note 20.