This sūrah of 12 verses was revealed in Madīnah. It takes its name from its subject matter as well as from the first verse, where the verb TalLaQa (“to divorce”) occurs. It contains rules additional to those mentioned in Sūrat al-Baqarah concerning divorce, the waiting period, alimony, and habitation.
O (most illustrious) Prophet!1 When you (Muslims) intend to divorce women, divorce them considering their waiting-period (as appointed in Law), and reckon the period (with due care), keeping from disobedience to God, your Lord, in reverence for Him and piety. (While the divorce is taking effect, during their waiting-period) do not drive them out from their houses (where they have lived with their husbands), nor shall they themselves leave, except in case they have committed an open indecency.2 These are the bounds set by God. Whoever exceeds the bounds set by God has surely wronged his own self. You do not know: it may be that afterward God will enable some new situation (to come about between the concerned parties).3