11وَإِن فاتَكُم شَيءٌ مِن أَزواجِكُم إِلَى الكُفّارِ فَعاقَبتُم فَآتُوا الَّذينَ ذَهَبَت أَزواجُهُم مِثلَ ما أَنفَقوا ۚ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ الَّذي أَنتُم بِهِ مُؤمِنونَT. B. IrvingYet if anything of your spouses has slipped over to the disbelievers and you chance to acquire something else [in return], give those whose spouses have gone away the equivalent of whatever they may have spent. Heed God in Whom you (all) believe.