O you. whose hearts reflect the image of religious and spiritual virtues: do not make a friendly intimacy with My enemy and yours who are disposed to strive against Allah and His cause and against the Messenger and his Faith. You regard them with tenderness when they have denied Allah and denied the truth you have received. They drove the Messenger along with you out of their midst, and ousted you of your privileges, for no reason other than the war of disbelief against belief in Allah, your Creator. If indeed you have gone to war to strive in My cause and to serve and satisfy My purpose, then how could you make a friendly intimacy with My enemies and regard them with tenderness! I know well what your breasts store of thoughts and feelings and what your breasts forge, I know what you converse secretly and utter below your breath, and what you suggest secretly to the mind. I also know what you avow openly and openly disclose, and what you utter loudly, and all that is being said. Therefore, he, who amongst you attempts to do this, will have wronged himself and wandered from the path of righteousness.". .. Seen the hungry ocean gain advantage on the kingdom of the shore". Shakespeare