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Sura 6
Aya 6
أَلَم يَرَوا كَم أَهلَكنا مِن قَبلِهِم مِن قَرنٍ مَكَّنّاهُم فِي الأَرضِ ما لَم نُمَكِّن لَكُم وَأَرسَلنَا السَّماءَ عَلَيهِم مِدرارًا وَجَعَلنَا الأَنهارَ تَجري مِن تَحتِهِم فَأَهلَكناهُم بِذُنوبِهِم وَأَنشَأنا مِن بَعدِهِم قَرنًا آخَرينَ


Did they not perceive by sight, apprehend by thought and learn by reading how many generations have We destroyed! generations who came to this world before them, endowed with power and ability, diligence and' capacities of action, wealth and knowledge, mental receiving power and talent and with many qualities which total up to a much higher degree than those summed up in you people. We poured down upon them rain and blessings bringing them into a people of condition and We made the rivers run beneath their settled habitations. But in consequence of their ingratitude and inordinate self -esteem, We destroyed them in requital of their transgression of the divine law, their offences against Allah and their violation of the religious and moral principles. We replaced them by other people who listened to reason and whose prudence got the better of their pride.