34وَلَقَد كُذِّبَت رُسُلٌ مِن قَبلِكَ فَصَبَروا عَلىٰ ما كُذِّبوا وَأوذوا حَتّىٰ أَتاهُم نَصرُنا ۚ وَلا مُبَدِّلَ لِكَلِماتِ اللَّهِ ۚ وَلَقَد جاءَكَ مِن نَبَإِ المُرسَلينَMuhammad QadriWe know well that their statement grieves you - so they do not deny you (Prophet Mohammed - peace and blessings be upon him) but in fact the unjust deny the signs of Allah.