160 Preface مَن جاءَ بِالحَسَنَةِ فَلَهُ عَشرُ أَمثالِها ۖ وَمَن جاءَ بِالسَّيِّئَةِ فَلا يُجزىٰ إِلّا مِثلَها وَهُم لا يُظلَمونَYusuf AliHe that doeth good shall have ten times as much to his credit: He that doeth evil shall only be recompensed according to his evil:1 no wrong shall be done unto (any of) them.God is just as well as generous. To the good, the reward is multiplied ten times (i.e., far above merits) on account of His generosity. To the evil, the punishment is no more than commensurate with their sin, and even so the door of mercy is always open to those who sincerely repent and show it by their conduct (Cf. 7:38).