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Sura 59
Aya 9
وَالَّذينَ تَبَوَّءُوا الدّارَ وَالإيمانَ مِن قَبلِهِم يُحِبّونَ مَن هاجَرَ إِلَيهِم وَلا يَجِدونَ في صُدورِهِم حاجَةً مِمّا أوتوا وَيُؤثِرونَ عَلىٰ أَنفُسِهِم وَلَو كانَ بِهِم خَصاصَةٌ ۚ وَمَن يوقَ شُحَّ نَفسِهِ فَأُولٰئِكَ هُمُ المُفلِحونَ


(These spoils are for those Ansar as well) who had taken the city (of Madina) and the faith as their home before (the emigrants came). They love those who have come to them as emigrants, and do not feel any need (or prick of jealousy) in their hearts pertaining to that (wealth) which is given to the emigrants and prefer them to themselves even though they may themselves be in dire need. And he who is saved from the miserliness of his (ill-commanding) self, it is they who are successful and victorious.