8 Preface لِلفُقَراءِ المُهاجِرينَ الَّذينَ أُخرِجوا مِن دِيارِهِم وَأَموالِهِم يَبتَغونَ فَضلًا مِنَ اللَّهِ وَرِضوانًا وَيَنصُرونَ اللَّهَ وَرَسولَهُ ۚ أُولٰئِكَ هُمُ الصّادِقونَAhmed AliThe spoils are also for the poor emigrants who were deprived of their homes and possessions and are seeking the bounty and protection of God, and are helping God and His Apostle. They are the ones who are true of word and deed.