18إِنَّ المُصَّدِّقينَ وَالمُصَّدِّقاتِ وَأَقرَضُوا اللَّهَ قَرضًا حَسَنًا يُضاعَفُ لَهُم وَلَهُم أَجرٌ كَريمٌMuhammad AsadVerily, as for the men and women who accept the truth as true,1 and who [thus] offer up unto God a goodly loan, they will be amply repaid,2 and shall have a noble reward [in the life to come].Or: "who give in charity" - depending on the vocalization of the consonants sad and dal. In view of the sequence, the sense given in my rendering seems preferable (and is, indeed, stressed by Zamakhshari), although in the reading of Hafs, ibn Sulayman al-Asadi, on which this translation is based, the relevant nouns appear in the spelling mussaddiqin and mussaddiqat, "men and women who give in charity".See verse 11 above.