34وَفُرُشٍ مَرفوعَةٍAli UnalAnd (with them will be their) spouses, ennobled with beauty and spiritual perfection:1/2These are the women who died as Muslims and will be admitted into Paradise. They will be together with their spouses, who will be admitted into Paradise like them.All the blessings of Paradise mentioned so far, as well as the sufferings of Hell that will be cited below, are in the indefinite form. This signifies that although all those blessings and sufferings are cited in the Qur’ān in terms, and will be presented in Paradise in forms, that we are acquainted with here in this world, they will be different in character or nature; their nature will be peculiar to the other world. It is impossible for us to imagine them in their true nature (see 2: 25, and note 21).