47وَإِنَّ لِلَّذينَ ظَلَموا عَذابًا دونَ ذٰلِكَ وَلٰكِنَّ أَكثَرَهُم لا يَعلَمونَMuhammad AsadBut, verily, for those who are bent on doing evil, there is suffering in store [even] closer at hand than that [supreme suffering in the hereafter]:1 but most of them are not aware of it.As in 32:21, the Qur'an stresses here the fact that every evil deed is bound to react in some way or other, even in this world, against him who commits it - either by depriving him of the affection of those who surround him and, thus, deepening his inner loneliness, or, more directly, by creating circumstances which make the achievement of real happiness and satisfaction increasingly impossible.