4 Preface وَالبَيتِ المَعمورِYusuf AliBy the much-frequented Fane;1See the last two notes. (3) “The much-frequented Fane” (or House) is usually understood to mean the Ka‘ba, but in view of the parallelism noted in the last note, it may be taken generally to mean any Temple or House of Worship dedicated to the true God. It would then include the Tabernacle of the Israelites in the wilderness, the Temple of Solomon, the Temple in which Jesus worshipped, and the Ka‘ba which the Prophet purified and rededicated to true worship. These would be only illustrations. Other concrete places of worship would be included, and in a more abstract meaning, the heart of man, which craves, with burning desire, to find and worship God. The Fane is “muchfrequented” as there is a universal desire in the heart of man to worship God, and his sacred Temples draw large crowds of devotees.