19 Preface كُلوا وَاشرَبوا هَنيئًا بِما كُنتُم تَعمَلونَYusuf Ali(To them will be said:)1 “Eat and drink ye, with profit and health,2 because of your (good) deeds.” The bliss of the Righteous is described in three aspects: (1) their individual bliss, verses 17-20; (2) their social bliss, verses 21-24; and (3) their satisfaction in the dissipation of past shadows, and their full understanding of the goodness of God, verses 25-28.Individual satisfaction is expressed in three types or figures of speech. (1) eating and drinking. (2) thrones of dignity, and (3) the joy of individual companionship. But the eating and drinking will not be like the physical acts, which are subject to drawbacks, such as excess, aftereffects and satiety: here there will be pure health, profit, and enjoyment. So about the other two: see the notes following. Cf. with this the symbolical description of heaven in 37:40-49: while the general account is the same, special phases are brought out in two passages to correspond with the context.