11 Preface فَوَيلٌ يَومَئِذٍ لِلمُكَذِّبينَYusuf AliThen woe that Day to those that treat (Truth) as Falsehood;-1That Day will be a Day of Woe to the wrongdoers described in two aspects, the rebels against God and God’s Truth, just as it will be a Day of Joy and Thanksgiving to the Righteous, who are described in three aspects in verses 17 to 28. The rebels are here described as being those who openly defied Truth and plunged into wrongdoing, or who trifled with truth, who jested with serious matter, who had not the courage to plunge openly into wrongdoing but who secretly took profit out of it, who wasted their life in doubts and petty quibbles. It is difficult to say which attitude did more harm to themselves and to others. Both are aspects of deep-seated sin and rebellion. But the mercy of God was open to all if they had repented and amended their lives.