40وَمِنَ اللَّيلِ فَسَبِّحهُ وَأَدبارَ السُّجودِAli UnalAnd during (some part of) the night, too, glorify Him, and after the prostrations.1In verse 39, the Morning Prayer, the Noon and the Afternoon Prayers, and in verse 40, the Evening and Late Evening Prayers are ordered. Glorification after the prostrations refers to the supererogatory Prayers after the prescribed ones (except the Morning and Afternoon Prayers), and saying words of glorification (Subhān Allāh), praise (al-hamdu li’llāh), and exaltation (Allāhu akbar). The Messenger, upon him be peace and blessings, earnestly advised utterance of these phrases 33 times each after each Prescribed Prayer.